Contact Us
Tiana Jackson
Phone: (817) 996-9343
Bond OO7 Hideout
Ranch Rental Property
5739 South HWY 281
Stephenville, TX 76401
*This address may not work in your GPS. If your GPS is taking you north of town it is not correct*
Driving Directions from Hard 8 BBQ : Head South on HWY 281 (going towards Hico). Drive 2.6 miles. When the road opens up into two lanes stay in the left lane and put your left blinker on. At the top of that hill you will see a black pipe fence, brown cabins, white house, and a white Bond OO7 Banner in the road ditch. Turn left into the property. :)
The property is in between CR 223 and CR 224.
We are 10 minutes away from Tarleton State University and 8 minutes away from Lone Star Arena.